Dear Reader
If you are already holding a copy of Sisters, it means that you are one of a select few that I passed the link to--like some sort of forbidden passpharse to a speakeasy.
The post 2020 political climate is never going right for Sisters. As much as I want readers to learn from it so that a terrible reality such as the one in this book never happens, not everyone takes the time to study the implications of just how easily this could happen here (it pains me to admit that, what was once an exercise in “what if,” is now a “might happen”).
After much thought and consideration, I’ve decided to publish it on a limited basis. I had originally planned to just shelve it so that it never saw the light of day, but this book means so much to me. I poured so much into it. It is the only thing I’ve ever written that has actually made me cry.
I can’t let it go.
Enjoy the book, and know that if you are holding it in your hands that you are special!
Much love,
V.L. Noxon